Florida Golf: Where Sunshine Meets the Perfect Swing

  • Will a golf cart fit in the bed of a truck?

    No, a golf cart will not fit in the bed of a truck. Generally, golf carts are too large and cumbersome to be able to fit into the typical dimensions of a pick-up truck’s cargo bed. The size and shape of the golf cart makes it difficult to maneuver within these boundaries without risking damage…

  • Will golf cart batteries freeze?

    Yes, golf cart batteries can freeze in cold temperatures. If the temperature gets low enough, the water in the battery cells will freeze and expand, which can damage or even destroy the battery. To prevent this from happening, keep your golf cart stored indoors in a heated garage during winter months. You should make sure…

  • Will a golf cart fit in a truck bed?

    Yes, a golf cart can fit in a truck bed. Depending on the size of the truck and golf cart, this may require some minor alterations to both parts. The biggest concern when fitting a golf cart into a truck bed is making sure that it doesn’t exceed the load capacity of the vehicle or…

  • Why won’t my golf cart start?

    A golf cart won’t start for several reasons. The most common issues are a dead battery, corroded battery cables, or a faulty starter motor. If the battery is dead, it can be easily replaced with a new one. If the terminals of the battery are corroded, they must be cleaned and tightened before attempting to…

  • Why won’t my golf cart charge?

    The most common reason why a golf cart won’t charge is because the onboard charger or battery cables are defective. To diagnose the issue, check to see if there is any damage to the wiring leading from the charger to the batteries. Check for loose connections between the charger and battery terminals and look for…

  • Why won’t my golf cart battery charge?

    There are a few possible reasons why your golf cart battery won’t charge. The most likely is that the charger itself isn’t working properly, either because it has a malfunction or its voltage output is incorrect. You should check to make sure that the charging port on the golf cart is clean and free of…

  • Why is my golf cart so slow?

    The most likely reason your golf cart is so slow is that it needs a new battery. Golf carts are powered by deep-cycle lead-acid batteries, which can start to lose capacity after 3 or 4 years. If you haven’t replaced the battery in a while, then you may have noticed its power beginning to fade…

  • Why is my golf cart not charging?

    There are several possible reasons for a golf cart not charging. The most likely cause is an issue with the battery itself. It could be an aging or faulty battery that needs to be replaced, or it could simply need to be recharged. The issue could lie in the wiring between the batteries and the…

  • Why is my golf cart backfiring?

    Backfiring in a golf cart is usually caused by one of three things: an incorrectly adjusted carburetor, an ignition problem, or a fuel delivery issue. An incorrectly adjusted carburetor can cause the mixture to be off balance, resulting in backfiring as the engine attempts to burn the unbalanced gas. Ignition issues can result from a…

  • Why is my gas golf cart running slow?

    There are several possible causes for a slow running gas golf cart. The most common issue is that the engine needs more fuel in order to operate correctly. This can be solved by replacing or cleaning the fuel filter, adjusting the carburetor and changing the air filter regularly. Worn spark plugs may also be a…